
What are night terrors? Las Vegas Sleep Apnea Nevada Dental Sleep

What are night terrors?

Night terrors are parasomnias. They happened in slow wave N3 Delta wave sleep. This issue can get as bad as waking up in the middle

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Is Sleep Apnea Curable? Las Vegas Nevada Dental Sleep

Is Sleep Apnea Curable?

There is not a single peer reviewed published study that shows sleep apnea as fully curable. For radical surgery, that’s irreversible , there is the

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Kids and Their Airway

The crisis due to lack of awareness for untreated sleep apnea (OSA) not only affects the adult population, but also quite alarmingly, in children. Children

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The 4 Legs to a Table

Thinking about tables in general, we all know that having 4 legs or pillars provide minimal ideal support or buttressing for the table top.  Although

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