Our Technology

Vatech- Green Technology, Cone Beam 3D CT SCAN

Here at Nevada Dental Sleep, we use the latest in state-of-the-art technology, such as Vatech's Cone Beam CT scans with Green technology. Our office not only offers diagnostics and assessments in 3D imaging but, the "Green" technology minimizes the radiation exposure and surpasses all of the other hospital radiology equipment available in terms of safety and benefits. 3D Scanning allows for thorough imaging in axial, sagittal, frontal, and multiple other views for the best airway/ sleep analysis. Working with Pulmonologists, ENT's, Board Sleep MD's, Cardiologists, etc., this technology will allow us to have an inter-disciplinary approach with proper communication and follow through.

Acoustic Reflection- Eccovision Pharyngometer/Rhinometer

Dr. Hu is one of the nation's leading instructors, teaching healthcare professionals how to use this important dynamic airway measuring equipment in dental sleep medicine. This technology uses soundwaves to ascertain the collapsibility of the human upper airway. With sound techniques and methods, Dr. Hu is able to measure, and eventually find the best therapeutic position, for customized oral appliance therapy. Dr. Hu will look at and evaluate multiple dimensions from vertical, lateral, to pitch/roll/ yaw. His techniques are at the forefront and cutting edge for sleep apnea oral appliance therapy.

Eccovison Cart 3


Here at Nevada Dental Sleep we use an all digital work flow with our dental sleep medicine treatment. This means precision and accuracy based medicine. Traditional PVS and intra-oral mouth impressions have the risk of distortions and inaccuracies. With MEDIT scanning, the airway bite, along with the Upper and Lower dental arches, are sent digitally after they are captured with over 99% accuracy. This allows for precise analogs and 3D printing to provide the best fitting and accurate oral appliances for dental sleep medicine.